I had the fortune of photographing some of the members of FitStop Crossfit here in San Antonio. Rudy and Elaine (the owners) were gracious in allowing me the opportunity of capturing the Crossfit craze in the fitness industry. The one thing that stands out about crossfit is the amazing transformations that occur to those who are whole-heartedly dedicated to the sport. The transformations of their bodies is simply mind-boggling. I was so impressed with the ladies upper body strength; being able to climb up a 12' rope, and to do dynamic pullups. Crossfit is an intense sport, but when done correctly (with the right supervision and technique), it's the hands down, fastest method I know of transforming your body in the shortest amount of time. We had women of all shapes and sizes ranging from 15 years and up, doing these compound, dynamic exercises. It's hard work, but the rewards are worth the time and effort. As Rudy told me, "crossfit is about being able to live your life, being able to do normal things everyday". These workouts are intense, but they are over before you know it, and the results speak for themselves. Hopefully, these images illustrate the meaning and concept behind the crossfit craze. Thanks again to Rudy & Elaine, plus all those who donned the fake sweat and performed for the camera: Hayli, Amber, Liz, and Phillip. Here's a short video from the session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0ToKE-lhPc .
#crossfit, #fitstop crossfit, #crossfit exercises, #strong women, #steve slate, #commercial photography
Liz displaying her upper body strength.