Abby Johnson - Former Abortion Clinic Director, Author, Speaker, and Mother of Eight
I've known about Abby for quite a few years now. I watched her movie "Unplanned" when it came out and was captivated by the raw honesty of the movie, I mean I've never seen a movie that revealed so much reality/truth about the topic of abortion. I've heard her speak on the radio, as well as watched videos of her on the web. Abby has a larger-than-life personality. She's very down to earth, and is willing to lend a helping hand in just about any situation. When I met her to create the portrait, she was vacuuming the house in her housecoat and her hair was up in a towel (her little ones were running around playing). The first thing a thought was, "this woman is definitely not a foo-foo, well to-do, socialite". I immediately knew this session was going to be interesting and fun because there were no signs of pretentiousness. Being somewhat famous, I thought she'd be different, more formal and proper; you know how the rich and famous act. Well, for Abby, I don't think fame has gone to her head. She has too many coals in the fire to allow herself to get caught up in the rat race. She’s the kind of person that can walk into a room, and everyone is huddled around her just because of her controlled, boisterous demeanor. Anyhow, I wanted to ask Abby a ton of questions, but we had a limited amount of time, so I did ask the one question that has never really been answered by anyone who believes that abortion should be practiced. I asked her "how did you rationalize or justify helping women get abortions"? I wanted to know what kind of mindset people can have that work in the abortion industry and not feel like they are doing something wrong. She told me that she thought that if abortion was illegal, many women would go to back-alley clinics and get them there. They would be risking their lives by doing so. She said that by providing a nice, clean facility, it was actually helping women. I told her that still doesn't answer the question. Then she gave me the answer that I totally understood. She said, "in reality, I just didn't think about it. I busied myself and didn't put much thought to it". That made perfect sense. I mean human beings revert to alcohol, drugs, sex, food, spending money, relationships, and whatever they can to try to intoxicate themselves so they don't have to think about their problems. Abby was just being human, rationalizing away the guilt she felt deep down inside. It took her a long, long time to come to the conclusion that abortion was something she didn't want to do anymore. All the things she witnessed; her husband being against it, her family being against it, finally came to point where she had enough. A little boy (Baby Paul, see pic below) being aborted, viewed from a sonogram finally broke the spiritual stronghold that had deceived Abby for 9 years +. She didn't immediately have a "come to Jesus" moment, but she walked away from a lucrative job, that had power, more power than most can imagine. What really stands out to me about Abby, is her genuineness. I mean here you have a person that has had a hand in thousands of abortions, maybe not doing the actually killing, but lying and manipulating women into believing they're only choice is terminating her pregnancy. The guilt that must come with that must be unbearable.
I mean having two abortions herself, then working her way up to Director of one of the biggest Abortion clinics in Texas must have taken a toll on her emotional and spiritual life. The fact that she walked away from that, and is now fighting for the unborn, proves that God's grace is enough. I'm not calling Abby a spiritual giant, but I will say, that she is a lot like the Apostle Paul. She now uses her past life to be a vessel of Grace, for God to use to rescue hurting, lost souls. She helps heal damaged lives affected by abortion, and she helps others to find their calling in life, exiting out of the clinics of death. Abby is one of the best real life examples of grace, for God took a broken, deceived, and hurting soul, and sanctified her into a glowing, bold, living example of a life that not only listens to His Voice, but puts into action what she knows to be true. God can do all things, for nothing is impossible for Him, and Abby is proof of that in the flesh. Her testimony continues to influence and affect so many lives, and most importantly, save the lives of the unborn. Who knows, maybe one day, we will have people find the cure to cancer, or invent things that benefit all of mankind, just because of Abby's mission to expose the abortion industry and save lives. If you ever get the chance to read her two books (The Walls are Talking and Unplanned), or watch her movie Unplanned, don't pass it up. It, in a tasteful, but honest way, reveals the truth about abortion, giving real life examples of the pain, suffering, and devastation that abortion has on people. It's rated R, probably because of a few graphic scenes, not to mention the fact that the abortion industry doesn't want young teens and children to see because of what it exposes (an R-rating keeps them away), so keep that in mind. If you ever get the chance to meet her, you will forever be touched. Her resolve for making right her wrongs, her love for the unborn, her desire to see workers leave the abortion industry, and her zest for life definitely make her one of a kind. For more on Abby Johnson, former Abortion Clinic Director, international speaker, book author, mother of eight children, and founder of the non-profit organization AND THEN THERE WERE NONE, you can visit her web site here,
Describe your involvement with choice and abortion. How has it affected you?
I worked at a Planned Parenthood abortion facility for 8 years. I have been involved with over 22,000 abortions, including two of my own. I would say that when you have your own personal abortions, your heart is changed. Eventually, you realize you that your heart is missing a piece of it that will never be filled until you reach eternity. But when you manipulate and coerce other women to kill their children, it changes the composition of your soul. You have negotiated with people for the deaths of their children. It changes who you are completely. Yes, God forgives. But you never forget. You wonder what type of person could allow themselves to do that type of work, and then you realize you were that type of person. On one hand, you want to forget what you have done, but on the other, you never want to forget because that is what keeps you motivated to keep fighting for the unborn today.
Where did you find strength to get through the rough parts of your journey?
Naturally, everyone will tell you that you have to get your strength through God and that is certainly true. But it’s more than just knowing it and saying it. If you really want to get through the hard parts and heal from them, then you have to live your life for Christ. You have to read your bible, go to church, spend time in prayer. It can’t simply be something you know, it has to be something you live and practice each and every day.
If you could go back and change one thing about your life, what might that be?
I’m not sure I would go back and change anything. Every thing I have done, including each and every mistake, has led me to where I am today. I don’t live my life thinking about regrets or what I would have done differently.
What would you say is the biggest misconception people have about abortion?
I think our society has glamorized and romanticized abortion to the point where people don’t know what abortion really is. People think it is some sort of sterile, bloodless, painless procedure…when the exact opposite is the reality. Abortion involves piecing the body parts of unborn children back together. It’s incredibly painful for the woman. It’s a very bloody procedure. Abortion clinics are filthy, staffed with untrained personnel. Women are put at risk each and every day, but that is not what the media would have you believe.
Would your advice be any different for someone thinking about having an abortion vs. someone that's already experienced one?
When I talk to women who are considering having an abortion, I always talk to them about the reality of abortion and make sure that they know all of their options. I find the term “pro-choice” to be a lie. Women don’t have abortions because they want to exercise their right to choose. They have abortions because they feel like they have no other choice. Part of my job is to make sure I talk to them about their life and how a baby can fit into it. I want every woman to realize that abortion never has to be a decision they have to make. For women who have had abortions, I talk to them about abortion healing and help them understand that their feelings of regret or sadness is normal and that they aren’t alone.
Describe how your view on Abortion has evolved up till now?
When I first left Planned Parenthood, I can’t say I was necessarily pro-life. I just new I didn’t want to be involved with abortion any longer. The longer I was out of the industry, the longer I knew abortion was wrong in every stage, for any reason.
If there is one truth about abortion that you could speak into the lives of all people, what would that truth be?
That abortion is wrong, no matter the reason, no matter the situation. There is never a reason that abortion is acceptable. There is never a medical reason for abortion. Abortion is always wrong.