I just got back from spending a week at Texas School with one of my mentors, Dave Montizambert. He's Canadian, from Vancouver, BC. I came to know of him while studying the teachings of the late Dean Collins. Dave is a commercial photography lighting guru, who can light just about anything. His methodology is based on the unchanging laws of light. Dave is a funny, creative, and methodical creative. His approach to photography is light first, subject second. He is carrying on the legacy of Dean Collins, but adding to it with his own experience, tastes, and behaviors. There were about 19 students in the class, who I am sure, found him to be very knowledgeable, vulnerable, and open with sharing his lighting procedures. His stories were very memorable, especially the one about his wife making the French man "very proud". The thing that I like about Dave (the reason he is in my "Men of Influence" project) is his ease of being human. I mean, he doesn't have an ego, or is not afraid to mess up in front of the class. Very few people I've met have that character quality. He shares his knowledge without holding anything back. He taught me a few years ago, over the phone and through the internet, so meeting him for the first time in person, was very honoring, and yet easy, like talking with an old friend. Any way, I had asked him if I could photograph him outside of class while he and I were there. He agreed, and these are some of the portraits I created. All in about 15 minutes or so. Since Dave is a lighting master, I thought I would create images that took several concepts that he preaches into account. The color image tells more about his knowledge than you're lead to think. He's a "specular highlight" and "shadow edge transfer" supporter, so that is the reason I captured that portrait on half black and half white. And since he usually used tungsten lighting (in the early days), I incorporated a tungsten bulb. His taste in photography is very high contrast, another reason I made most of these in black and white. He says that he likes dark shadows. He once said an art director once said of his images, "it looks like you can reach into the image and touch it". I must say that this week was very enjoyable for me, not only because I got to meet Dave, but I made some friends from the class as well. One of them, John, his assistant. A fellow Canadian. Dave is lighting genius, but more importantly, a very humble and down-to-earth man. I will cherish the time I got to spend with him, and make his teachings about light, my very own. Thanks again to everyone for a great week of learning and fellowship. One of my favorite Texas School visits to date.
Lighting Master
Metering the correct way...with a smile
Magical lighting....
The Man....