Had the privilege of photographing two crossfit athletes earlier this week. Ryba is 6'2" former collegiate athlete, who is put together like an action figure. She told us she's auditioning for the next Wonder Woman movie as an Amazon (just kidding). I don't think she'd have any problem playing the role. Her nickname is the Polish Hammer. Omar is one of the trainers at Alamo City Crossfit (Ryba is one as well). Every time I looked at him, I saw either Adam Sandler, Jason Biggs, and at certain angles, Manu Ginobili, but of course in better shape (Tres Imposter). I'll tell you what, both of them are incredibly fit. We did the session at Alamo City Crossfit, and let me tell you, it was 100 degrees inside the gym (I'm not kidding). My equipment was hot to touch. It was 104 degrees outside, so we embraced the 4 degrees of coolness inside (not). Anyway, Ryba and Omar displayed their physical prowess by demonstrating some of the crossfit moves. I was impressed. I can see why their bodyfat % is so low. The more I learn about the crossfit craze, the more I understand how fast you can get results. It's hard work and the exercises are intense, but with dedication and perseverance the results speak for themselves. We got some great images, and I think I know who I'll call on if I ever need two models for a fitness campaign. Thanks again Ryba and Omar, the images and the time spent with you are greatly appreciated.
#alamo city crossfit #steve slate #crossfit #commercial photography #Ryba #Omar #Athletes #Polish Hammer
Ryba using the rings for a muscle up. One of my favorites from the session.
Natural light - Ryba with a kettlebell.
Omar with a power clean.