Claire Culwell - twin abortion survivor, international speaker, and author of “Survivor”
When I read Claire’s story I was moved, moved to the point of finally having good reason to start this project. I was so touched and emotionally charged that I decided that she would be the first person I would photograph. From the moment her voice echoed over the phone, I could tell this woman was special. Her sweet demeanor was easily recognized and as we talked I knew she was worthy of being my first subject to have in front of my lens. Claire’s story is nothing short of amazing. For anyone who believes in the God of the Bible, you recognize His mysterious and sovereign hand gently guiding this precious soul in her life. Her adoptive mom was also a delight to meet. The first thing I told her was that adoption is the closest thing to the Gospel there is, tangibly speaking. If you listen to Claire’s interview with Lila Rose on LiveAction (watch it here), there are many things that stand out. I’ll let you decide for yourself, but for me is the fact that she repeatedly states that her adoptive parents always told her, and showed her and her sister that they were “chosen, wanted, and loved”. Imagine if all children were told and shown that in every family today? The second thing that stood out about Claire is that she truly understands what Abortion really is. She will never condemn anyone for having one, not even the people who oppose (pro-choice) those that are pro-life. Everyone deals with abortion differently, and most are dealing with it out of their pain. That stuck with me. Here you have some who would’ve been aborted if the doctor had newer technology, ultra-sound, and who experienced the brutal dismemberment of her twin. You have someone who was excited to meet her birth mother, only to find out that her birth mother didn’t choose life, as she thought. God’s hand is on Claire Culwell. If you ever get a chance to meet her, you will leave a changed and better person. She is the real deal.
Here’s a series of questions I asked her with her answers. For those of you who are pro-life, this woman’s testimony will enhance your life. For those of you who are pro-choice, please read with an open, honest heart. It might touch your spirit in a way you’ve never experienced. And for those of you who sit on the fence, may Claire Culwell’s story be a splinter in your backside that causes you to move because you know you cannot remain “luke warm” any more. She has blessed my life, may she be a blessing to you too. For more on Claire Culwell, twin abortion survivor, international speaker, and author of “Survivor”, you can visit her web site here,
Describe your involvement with choice and abortion. How has it affected you?
Abortion is something that affects everyone whether they know it or not. Everyone knows someone who has experienced abortion in some way. That is certainly the case for me although I didn’t know it for the first 21 years of my life. Before that time I knew I was adopted. I was raised in a loving home with parents, Warren and Barbara Culwell, who told my sister and I that we were wanted, chosen, and loved. We knew we belonged in our family but we knew there was also a possibility we might meet our birth mothers one day. Nothing could have prepared me for the truth behind my birth that my birth mother, Tonya, would share with me. I had flown to visit her with a gift in hand. I remember being so excited to give her the gift, and the card that read “Thank you for choosing life for me.” What a moment I imagined it would be, but that moment went nothing like I had planned out in my head. The moment of excitement was met with tears. My birth mother told me that during her pregnancy with me she was 13 years old and was told that abortion was her only option. After following through with a D&E abortion that was meant to take my life, she went home to continue on with her life like normal only to realize she was still pregnant. The doctor told her that she had been pregnant with twins and that the abortion was only successful on one baby. She delivered me, her survivor baby, 10 weeks early in Oklahoma City. I weighed 3 lbs, had common twin complications like a dislocated hip and club feet, and I was placed for adoption when I was released from the hospital at 2 months old. The moment I met my birth mother looked nothing like I thought it would but it was a miraculous moment. For the first time in my life I realized that choice has a name and a family, and that the person affected by abortion was someone like me. From that moment forward, I chose to forgive my birth mother so that I could freely share my story with dignity, grace, humility and faith. The story of the abortion survivor changes hearts and minds. You can’t look at my face without seeing my twin and the humanity of the unborn child. Until every human being regardless of gestational age and circumstance has a choice, I will continue to share my face, the face of choice.
Where did you find strength to get through the rough parts of your journey?
Growing up my parents would tell my sister and I to “remember whose you are.” We knew what they meant- a member of the Culwell family and chosen by God to be part of his family through our faith in Him. During the uncertain moments of my life including when I found out that I am an abortion survivor and a twinless twin in the name of choice, I clung to what I knew was true about me. God says I am worthy, loved, forgiven, called to be brave and bold, and created perfectly in His image with a plan and purpose for my life. That never changed even in my moments of confusion and hurt.
If you could go back and change one thing about your life, what might that be?
I trust in the author of my story who wrote my life story perfectly for me. If I could change one thing it would be for me to trust Him more. He always knows what is best and goes before me in everything I do
What would you say is the biggest misconception people have about abortion?
Abortion is not empowering for women. It tells a woman she can’t when she can. She is told she must take the life of her child in order to live her life. It tells her she doesn’t have support when there are SO many of us waiting and ready to help her.
Would your advice be any different for someone thinking about having an abortion vs. someone that's already experienced one?
For someone considering an abortion- You are supported and you are strong. We want to be your village and we want to support you through your journey to motherhood. Abortion is not your only option. Please reach out to LoveLine for support. I promise motherhood will be one of the greatest joys of your life. For someone who has had an abortion- I am so very sorry for the circumstances that led to your abortion experience. I can not imagine your pain but I do know that there is hope and forgiveness after an abortion. Please reach out to Rachel’s Vineyard.
Describe how your view on Abortion has evolved up till now?
Being adopted, my family would have been against abortion but it wasn’t something we talked about. The first time I heard the term “pro life” was when I met my birth mother and reached out to a local pro life organization for support when I learned I had been affected by abortion. When my birth mother told me I am an abortion survivor, it humanized the unborn baby and the woman considering an abortion for me. From that point on, there was no turning back for me. I have spent every day since I was 21 years old fighting for women like my birth mother, for the unborn child like my twin and for the abortion survivor like myself. Abortion is the greatest injustice of our time. I will continue to share my survival story until we make abortion unthinkable.
If there is one truth about abortion that you could speak into the lives of all people, what would that truth be?
I am just like you. Abortion affects every single one of us in some way whether we know it or not. Abortion tore my twin’s body apart limb by limb. We should be outraged and yet we stay in our comfortable bubbles ignoring how abortion is destroying children and families of our own. My encouragement would be for every single person of faith and conscience to stand up against what abortion is and what it does. We cannot be silent any longer while our children die and women truly believe that abortion is their only choice. We must do better than that. It is time for us to rise up together and create a culture that truly values life, women and families.